A big welcome to our General Secretary of FAMA Mr. Mervyn Tan 歡迎亞洲業餘泰拳總會秘書長蒞臨本會


上週六(10/19)本會有幸能邀請亞洲業餘泰拳總會秘書長 Mervyn Tan 蒞臨本會位

Last Saturday, CTMA was honored to invite General Secretary of FAMA Mr. Mervyn Tan to our headquarter in Tianmu.


Mr. Tan not only came to visit Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee but also made his effort to visit us at headquarter of Chinese Taipei Muaythai Association to have a meeting with our president and general secretary. Mr. Tan pointed out that by the promotion of our president, more and more people devoted themselves to train in Muaythai and estimated that Taiwan has a great chance to host Asian Championships in Taiwan in just a few years.

秘書長為華裔新加坡人,姓氏 TAN 即為陳的閩南語發音。

加坡興盛的契機,是因為當時知名電視頻道 AXN 到新加坡拍攝泰拳訓練的實境
節目「The Challenger」,當時的製作人,同時也是現任 IFMA 秘書長 Stephan Fox

Mr. Tan shared his experience of promoting Muaythai in Singapore, mentioned that the reason why Muaythai is now a popular combat sport in Singapore was because of a TV program called “the Challenger” produced by a famous TV channel AXN. With the help of Mr. Tan, the producer, who is now the general secretary of IFMA, Stephan Fox successfully cooperated with the Singapore government for the shooting schedule of the program. Recorded at a beach, with a great chance of exposure, especially the first time people see the impact of athletes landing their kicks and punches on Thai pads, the show successfully attracted thousands of curious onlookers. Since then, Muaythai spread its seeds to develop in Singapore.

內,能夠在台灣舉辦亞洲錦標賽,屆時將有超過 20 餘國代表隊以及 200 名以上

After the meeting, Mr. Tan approved our president’s effort in promoting Muaythai in Taiwan and showed his gratefulness by awarding us with a certificate of appreciation and a hard cover edition of “History of Muaythai” published by Department of Physical Education of Thailand. Mr. Tan hoped that in the near future, Taiwan will have the ability to host Asian Championships. By then, over 20 delegations from all around Asia and over 200 athletes will come to Taiwan. It will definitely be a great chance for our citizens to see such high-level Muaythai competitions and to meet athletes from world power countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Kazakhstan.

今年度亞洲泰拳錦標賽將於 12/16-22 在阿布達比舉行,本會理事長將率隊前往參賽,並參加亞洲業餘泰拳總會年度會議。

The 2019 Asian Muaythai Championships will be hosted in Abu Dhabi from December 16th to 22nd. Our president will lead our delegation to the event and also attend the annual general meeting of FAMA.


2019 IFMA 成年世界錦標賽

關於WC 2019

泰國曼谷於2018年11月6日經國際業餘泰拳總會(IFMA)正式宣布2019世界錦標賽由達吉斯坦共和國更改活動主辦城市至曼谷,並於2019年2月15日寄發邀請函及競賽規章以”Muaythai is Coming Home”做為口號。本屆世界錦標賽包括慣例的菁英(Elite Deivisions)組別及年齡23歲以下的競爭組(Competitive Class B),同時2019國際業餘泰拳總會世界錦標賽(2019 IFMA World Championship)被列為2021世界運動會的正式資格賽,參賽選手依資格認證系統取得2021伯明翰世界運動會(The World Games 2021 Birmingham)參賽資格