Lv.C Coach course 2020 report C級泰拳講習會成果報告

In Level C Muaythai 2019 seminar, Chinese Taipei Muaythai Association invited Mr.  Tsang and Leung from Hong Kong Muaythai Council as our keynote speakers as Muaythai has become increasingly popular in Hong Kong. Lots of professional competitions have taken place in Hong Kong and many elite athletes from Hong Kong have achieved high ranks on the international stage, especially among East Asian participants. Instead of inviting only Thai professionals like before, this time we invited two Chinese-speaking elite coaches from Hong Kong to Taiwan, aiming to achieve a level of clarity and effectiveness to speak to the participants in their native language. We believe that, other than the lack of language barrier, learning Muaythai skills and tactics from the Chinese NF directly could provide participants a different perspective to the game of Muaythai. Meanwhile, CTMA had assembled all (many or all) of the elite coaches from our association to join the seminar as lecturers and examiners. Most of them have participated in IGLA coaching courses and or been trained at international gyms in Thailand.

本次泰拳 C 級教練講習會,本會特別邀聘香港泰拳理事會曾昂飛及梁偉耀擔任 高級講師。泰拳運動在香港蓬勃發展,且多有舉辦職業級賽事,近年來在國際 泰拳賽事成績更是名列東亞地區前茅;有別於以往聘請泰籍教練擔任講師,這 次協會特別從香港邀請兩位講師來台指導,即是希望能直接向具豐富經驗的華 人運動團隊學習技術,消弭語言的隔閡,從華人的角度所彙整出來的訓練方式 及戰術,進行最有效率的泰拳訓練。同時,本次講習也號召了全國師範級教練 擔任這次講習會的示範講師及考試委員,其中不乏多次前往泰國參與國際級教 練講習或至各大泰拳館進修之教練。

Benefiting from the teaching materials organized and compiled by coach Leung and Tsang, our attendees did not only review many important and fundamental Muaythai techniques, but also pay some special attention to the idea and intricacies of “coaching”. During the academic sessions, senior coaches shared their Muaythai techniques such as movement analyses, body parts to land strikes, timing and training methods on top of the opportunity for attendees to coach each other. We also had a Q&A session with all of the senior coaches including the two CTMA guest coaches to answer questions and to teach interactively. Meanwhile, CTMA had arranged classes on gender equality, anti-doping and nutrition into the program, aiming to emphasize that these topics are as, if not, more important than the fighting techniques themselves in the field of Muaythai.

在教材上,受益於香港兩位講師傳授之技術資料統整,除了能讓學員們再一次 進行泰拳技術的複習外,更能針對「教練」之技術進行更深的了解。在學科教 授中,針對各項泰拳技術之動作解析、打擊部位、使用時機及訓練方式等先做 沙盤推演,並在術科教授中直接讓學員進行技術以及教授的操作,而兩位講師 及協會師範也不吝於回答個學員們提出之疑問以及進行直接的教學經驗傳授。 另外,協會也跟上國際泰拳總會的腳步,在講習中提供了關於性平以及營養等 列於技術之外卻與技術同等重要的課程教學。

As the sport of Muaythai evolves year by year, CTMA raised the requirements to apply as well. However, this seminar has broken the record of having the most attendees, including the number of elite coaches and athletes applied from all over the country ever in CTMA history. This is a clear proof to show that Taiwanese citizens have become more fond of Muaythai as a sport year by year.

為與國際接軌,本會特別提高了這次講習會的報名門檻,不過本次講習會依舊 是歷年來報名人次最多的一屆,學員中不乏各訓練站教練以及現役泰拳國手。 協會也相當感謝北市立大學天母校區能出借場地,讓這次百餘人的講習能順利完成。



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亞洲錦標賽Live在Olympic Channel 觀看直播! Asian Championships – Adu Dhabi in OLYMPIC CHANNEL Live!

Asian Championships – Adu Dhabi in OLYMPIC CHANNEL Live!在本屆亞洲錦標賽可以從OLYMPIC CHANNEL觀看完整18-21日賽事,邀請大家一起加入! Click! 2019 Muaythai IFMA Asian Championships – Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

中華臺北賽程:(阿布達比時間18日 角落顏色為左紅右藍)

#12場 Ring A Senior Female Elite A 48kg 成年女子菁英A組48公斤級 

(TPE)Tzu Ching Lin 林子晴 V.S  (AFG) Shabnam Hussain Zada

 #23場 Ring A Senior Male Elite A 54kg 成年男子菁英A組54公斤級

(KAZ) Yelaman Sayassatov  V.S (TPE) I-Chen Huang 黃翊禎

#34場 Ring A Senior Male Elite A 57kg 成年男子菁英A組57公斤級

(UAE) Zakaria Eljamari V.S  (TPE) Yu-Xi Chen 陳禹希

#54場 Ring B Senior Male Elite A 67kg 成年男子菁英A組67公斤級 

 (IRQ) Akram Alanis V.S  (TPE) Wei Hao Huang 黃威皓 

#67場 Ring A Senior Male Elite A 71kg 成年男子菁英A組71公斤級 

 (KAZ) Azamat Abishev V.S (TPE) Chun Hong Ko 柯俊宏

about Asian Championships

Event Metrics:112組級別、42參賽隊伍、245比賽場次、319參賽選手

We are happy to announce that Registration is now OPEN for the 2019 IFMA Asian Championships!
Registration is open by invitation only to FAMA Member National Federations and Invited Teams.
The 2019 Asian Championships will be held in Abu Dhabi from 16th to 22nd of December.

Weight divisions:
Youth categories: 12-13 yo, 14-15 yo, 16-17 yo
Men’s: -45KG, -48KG, -51KG, -54KG, -57KG, -60KG, -63.5KG, -67KG, -71KG, -75KG, -81KG, -86KG, -91KG, 91+KG
Women’s: -45KG, -48KG, -51KG, -54KG, -57KG, -60KG, 63.5KG

A big welcome to our General Secretary of FAMA Mr. Mervyn Tan 歡迎亞洲業餘泰拳總會秘書長蒞臨本會


上週六(10/19)本會有幸能邀請亞洲業餘泰拳總會秘書長 Mervyn Tan 蒞臨本會位

Last Saturday, CTMA was honored to invite General Secretary of FAMA Mr. Mervyn Tan to our headquarter in Tianmu.


Mr. Tan not only came to visit Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee but also made his effort to visit us at headquarter of Chinese Taipei Muaythai Association to have a meeting with our president and general secretary. Mr. Tan pointed out that by the promotion of our president, more and more people devoted themselves to train in Muaythai and estimated that Taiwan has a great chance to host Asian Championships in Taiwan in just a few years.

秘書長為華裔新加坡人,姓氏 TAN 即為陳的閩南語發音。

加坡興盛的契機,是因為當時知名電視頻道 AXN 到新加坡拍攝泰拳訓練的實境
節目「The Challenger」,當時的製作人,同時也是現任 IFMA 秘書長 Stephan Fox

Mr. Tan shared his experience of promoting Muaythai in Singapore, mentioned that the reason why Muaythai is now a popular combat sport in Singapore was because of a TV program called “the Challenger” produced by a famous TV channel AXN. With the help of Mr. Tan, the producer, who is now the general secretary of IFMA, Stephan Fox successfully cooperated with the Singapore government for the shooting schedule of the program. Recorded at a beach, with a great chance of exposure, especially the first time people see the impact of athletes landing their kicks and punches on Thai pads, the show successfully attracted thousands of curious onlookers. Since then, Muaythai spread its seeds to develop in Singapore.

內,能夠在台灣舉辦亞洲錦標賽,屆時將有超過 20 餘國代表隊以及 200 名以上

After the meeting, Mr. Tan approved our president’s effort in promoting Muaythai in Taiwan and showed his gratefulness by awarding us with a certificate of appreciation and a hard cover edition of “History of Muaythai” published by Department of Physical Education of Thailand. Mr. Tan hoped that in the near future, Taiwan will have the ability to host Asian Championships. By then, over 20 delegations from all around Asia and over 200 athletes will come to Taiwan. It will definitely be a great chance for our citizens to see such high-level Muaythai competitions and to meet athletes from world power countries like Thailand, Vietnam and Kazakhstan.

今年度亞洲泰拳錦標賽將於 12/16-22 在阿布達比舉行,本會理事長將率隊前往參賽,並參加亞洲業餘泰拳總會年度會議。

The 2019 Asian Muaythai Championships will be hosted in Abu Dhabi from December 16th to 22nd. Our president will lead our delegation to the event and also attend the annual general meeting of FAMA.