1. 擂台 The Ring

1.1. 需求 Requirements:


In all competitions, the ring shall conform with the following requirements:

1.1.1 尺寸 Size:  

最小尺寸應為4.9公尺及最大尺寸應為6.10公尺,於國際錦標賽中擂台的尺寸應為6.10 x 6.10公尺,擂台地面高度不得小於90厘米或高於1.2公尺。

The minimum size shall be 4.9m and the maximum size 6.10m inside the line of the ropes. In the International championships, the size of the ring shall be 6.10 x 6.10 metres inside the ropes. The ring shall not be less than 90 cm or more than 1.20 m above the ground.

1.1.2. 檯面與角墊 Platform and Corner Pads:

檯面應安全搭設,水平且沒有任何阻塞突起,並且應在繩索外部延伸至少85厘米。 該裝置須設有四個角柱,該角柱須有良好襯墊或其他構造,以防止運動員受傷。 角墊/支柱應按以下方式佈置:

  • 紅色 – 在陪審團桌的左側
  • 白 – 在陪審團桌子的最左邊角落
  • 藍色 – 在陪審團桌子的最右側
  • 白 – 在陪審團桌子的右角

The platform shall be safely constructed, level and free from any obstructing projections and shall extend for at least 85 cm outside the line of the ropes.  It shall be fitted with four corner posts which shall be well padded or otherwise so constructed as to prevent injury to the athletes. The corner pads/posts should be arranged in the following way;

  • Red – in the nearer left-side of the Jury’s table
  • White – in the far left-side corner of the Jury’s table
  • Blue – in the far right-side of the Jury’s table
  • White – in the near right corner of the Jury’s table

1.1.3. 地面覆蓋Floor Covering:

地板應覆蓋有毛氈,橡膠或其他具有相同彈性質量(不小於1.5厘米)的合適(認可)材料。 不超過2.00厘米厚,帆布應在其上拉伸並固定到位。 毛氈從其他批准的材料和帆布的橡膠將覆蓋整個平台。

The floor shall be covered with felt, rubber or other suitable (approved) material having the same quality of elasticity, not less than 1.5 cm. and not more than 2.00 cm thick over which canvas shall be stretched and secured in place.  The felt, from the rubber of other approved material and canvas shall cover the entire platform.

1.1.4. 編繩 Rope:

從角柱分別在40厘米,70厘米,100厘米和130厘米高處分別緊緊畫出4根厚度最小為3厘米,最大為5厘米的繩索。 繩索應用柔軟或光滑的材料覆蓋。 繩子應在每側以相等的間隔由兩片3至4厘米寬的緊密結構的帆布連接。 整體不能沿著繩子滑動。

There shall be 4 ropes with a thickness of minimum of 3 cm and maximum of 5 cm tightly drawn from the corner posts at 40 cm, 70 cm, 100 cm and 130 cm high respectively. The ropes shall be covered with a soft or smooth material. The rope shall be joined on each side, at equal intervals, by two pieces of closely textured canvas 3 to 4 cm wide.  The pieces must not slide along the rope.

1.1.5. 檯梯 Steps:

擂台應提供3套檯梯 – 在每個相對的角落設置1個供競賽者使用,一個設置在中立角落,供裁判和醫生使用。

The ring shall be provided with 3 sets of steps – 1 set at each of the opposite corners for the use of contestants and one set in the neutral corner for use by the referees and doctors.

1.1.6. 塑料袋 Plastic Bag:


In the 2 neutral corners outside the ring, a small plastic bag shall be fixed in which the referee shall drop the cotton or tissue pads, used by him to stop bleeding.

1.2. 額外擂台 Additional Rings:


2 or more rings may be used in important championships.

2. 拳套Gloves

2.1. 合格拳套 Authorised Gloves:

運動員應佩戴比賽組織者提供並由IFMA執行委員會核准的手套。 運動員不允許戴自己的手套。

Athletes shall wear the gloves which the organiser of the competition has placed at their disposal and which have been approved by the Executive Committee of IFMA. Athletes are not allowed to wear their own gloves.

2.2. 規範 Specification:

手套重量為10盎司(284克),其中皮革部分的重量不得超過總重量的一半,墊料不得小於總重量的一半。 手套的襯墊不得移位或破裂。 只能使用乾淨和完善的手套。

The gloves shall weigh 10 ounces (284 grams) of which the leather portion shall not weigh more than half of the total weight and the padding not less than half the total weight. The padding of the gloves shall not be displaced or broken.  Only clean and serviceable gloves shall be used.

2.3 IFMA拳套的管控程序 Procedures for control of IFMA Gloves:


IFMA will continue to establish the specification for the manufacture of competitive boxing gloves for IFMA competition.  Manufacturers desiring to obtain IFMA approval for their 10 oz. gloves must submit a sample for inspection by IFMA before receiving final approval by the Executive committee. After the final approval has been received, manufacturers will obtain from IFMA an official stamp or label which must be built into each glove manufactured for use in amateur competition. The IFMA organisation responsible for each competition must use the IFMA approved gloves for that competition; IFMA approves for the IFMA World Championships, the Continental Bureau for Continental Championships and National Federations approve for all competitions under their control unless the responsible IFMA organisation designates a specific manufacturer. The organiser may normally use whatever IFMA approved boxing gloves are most readily available. All boxers in any one bout must wear exactly the same gloves from the same manufacturer.

2.4 IFMA拳套的監督:

所有手套和繃帶應在為此目的任命1或2名知相關技術人員的監督下戴上,他們將看到所有規則都已嚴格遵守。 他們將委託安全職責,以確保所有規則遵守,直到運動員進入擂台。

All gloves and bandages shall be fitted under the supervision of 1 or 2 knowledgeable officials appointed for that purpose who will see that all the rules have been strictly adhered to. They will delegate security duties to ensure that all rules are observed until the athletes enter the ring.

2.5 卸下IFMA拳套的時機 When to remove IFMA gloves:


The gloves shall be taken off immediately after the bout is over and before the decision is announced.

3. 綁帶Bandages

3.1 規範 Specifications:

應使用不超過2.5米,寬度不超過5厘米的軟手術包紮或每隻手上不超過2.5米的纏繞包紮 – 不能使用其他類型的繃帶。 嚴禁使用任何類型的膠帶 – 橡膠或膠布作為繃帶,但在上腕部可以使用7.5厘米長和2.5厘米寬的單個綁帶來固定繃帶。

A soft surgical bandaging not longer than 2.5 m with a width that does not exceed 5 cm or a “Velpeau” bandaging not longer than 2.5 m on each hand should be used – no other kind of bandage may be used.  The use of any kind of tapes – rubber or adhesive plaster, as bandages, is strictly forbidden, but a single strap of achieve 7.5 cm long and 2.5 wide may be used at the upper wrists to secure the bandages.

3.2 洲際和世界錦標賽 Continental and World Tournaments:


Bandages for use at Continental and World tournaments will be provided by the organising committee.

4. 穿著需求 Dress Code

4.1 授權穿著 Authorised Dress:


Athletes shall be dressed in accordance with the following:

4.1.1. 服裝Clothing:

運動員必須穿著泰拳短褲 – 依據紅色或藍色角落以及短語前面有“MUAYTHAI”的措辭


The athlete must wear muaythai shorts – red or blue according to the corner with the wording “MUAYTHAI” on the front of the shorts only (see Fig.3). Male athletes must put on a sleeveless shirt or singlet in red or blue according to the corner (see Fig.1). Female athletes must put on a cropped top (see Fig.2) or singlet (see Fig.1) in red or blue according to the corner.




4.1.2 蒙空與帕加 Mongkon & Prajiad:

運動員必須佩戴神聖的頭帶(Mong-Kon),才能在進入擂台之前致敬。 帶有祈福的Krueng-Wrang(Prajiad /手臂帶)可以穿在上臂,肱二頭肌或腰部周圍,但必須整齊地覆蓋。 蒙空與帕加是運動員的個人物品。

Athletes must wear the sacred headband (Mong-Kon) for paying homage before entering the ring. A Krueng-Wrang (Prajiad/arm band) with an amulet or charm may be worn around the upper arm, biceps or waist but must be neatly covered. The Mongkon & Prajiad are an athlete’s personal belongings.

4.1.3 護齒 Gum shields:

所有運動員在開始比賽開始前都應佩戴護齒。 護齒應為形狀合適。形狀合適的護齒應由主辦單位提供。對於未能提供護齒的主辦單位,其自購護齒的費用應支付給運動員所屬的國家協會。禁止運動員在比賽期間有意移除護齒,如果運動員這樣做,運動員應被警告或取消資格。如果一個運動員的護齒被擊落,裁判應將運動員帶到運動員的角落 – 清潔護齒,並恢復到正確的位置。 在進行同時任何第二人不允許與場上運動員交談。

Gum shields shall be worn by all athletes before they begin fighting. The gum shield should be form-fitted. Form-fitted gum shields must be made available by the organizing host country for any participant who does not have their own, against payment by the athlete concerned or athlete’s National Association. It is forbidden for an athlete to intentionally remove their gum shield during the contest and if the athlete does so, the athlete shall be warned or disqualified. If an athlete has his gum shield knocked out, the referee shall take the athlete to the athlete’s corner – have the gum shield cleaned and returned to its proper position. While this is being done, the second is not allowed to talk to his/her athlete.

4.1.4 鼠蹊部護具 Groin protectors:

於競賽中配戴鼠蹊部護具是強制性的,男性運動員應配戴金屬材質鼠蹊部護具(見示例),另外可佩戴護具纏帶(見示例)。女性運動員應配戴發泡或塑料材質鼠蹊部護具(見示例),鑒於衛生,所有男女運動員都必須自備的鼠蹊部護具。 如果運動員配戴鼠蹊部護具在賽前沒有通過官方檢查,需從設備或器材區自選。

The use of the groin guard is mandatory. For male athletes, a metal groin protector shall be worn (see example), a jock strap (see example) may be worn in addition. For female athletes, a female groin protector made from foam or plastic shall be worn (see example). To observe hygiene, all athletes both male and female must have their own groin protectors. Should the athletes’ own groin protectors not pass official inspection before the bout, they may use one from the area where they receive the equipment.



4.1.5 護頭Head-guard:

護頭必須是個人且適合運動員的裝備, 如果運動員配戴的護頭在賽前沒有通過官方檢查,需從設備或器材區自選。於競賽中配戴護頭是強制性的,護頭應符合IFMA規範。運動員進入擂台前不用穿戴護頭情況 – 只有在介紹選手和禮師儀式完成後應戴上。 比賽結束後在宣布決定前,護頭應立即取下。

The heard-guard is an individual and form fitted item of the athlete’s equipment. Should the athlete’s own head-guard not pass official inspection before the bout, they may use one from the area they receive equipment provided by the organising committee. The use of the head-guard is mandatory. It shall conform to IFMA specifications. Athletes must come into the ring without their head guard – only after having been presented to the audience and Wai Kru has completed should they put it on. The head guard shall be taken off immediately after the bout is over and before the decision is announced.

4.1.6 護脛腳背和護肘 Shin guards and Elbow guards:


The use of shin guards and elbow guards is mandatory. It shall conform with IFMA specifications as it is the responsibility of the organising committee to provide shin guards and elbow guards to the athlete.

4.1.7 護胸 Body protectors:


The use of body protectors is mandatory for all Competitive and Youth divisions. It shall conform with IFMA specifications as it is the responsibility of the organising committee to provide body protectors to the athlete. The body protector is a non-requirement for the Elite division.

4.1.8 女性胸部護墊 Female Chest Protection:


The use of breast protection is mandatory for all female athletes. To observe hygiene, all female athletes must have their own breast protectors. Should the athletes’ own breast protector not pass official inspection before the bout, they may use one from the area where they receive the equipment (see examples). In Youth divisions where the body protector is worn, the female chest protection is optional.

4.1.9 頭部和身體的覆蓋物 Head and body cover:

運動員可因文化禮俗穿戴頭部和身體的覆蓋物,並須依下規範:自選的白色材質(僅限單一色)身體套裝(兩件式,緊身褲 / 身體套裝)包括腿和手臂的腳踝和手腕,白色材質頭部的覆蓋物如ResportOn設計的運動式頭巾。它應符合IFMA規範(見圖9)。

Head and body covers may be worn by athletes to comply with cultural understanding and shall consist of the following: An optional body suit (two piece, tights and top/body suit) of white coloured material (one colour only) allowing covering of the legs to the ankles and covering the arms to the wrists. A head covering such as a full sport hijab similar to the ResportOn design or an individual skull cap of white coloured material), or an optional body suit (two piece) of a light colour material covering the legs and arms to the ankles and wrists, as well as a full sport hijab. Only IFMA approved attire can be used to participate in the competitions (see Fig. 9).


4.2 禁止的項目 Prohibited objects

4.2.1. 禁止塗抹凡士林、油質等於接觸面,禁止塗抹令對手有害、反感的產品於胳膊或其他身體部位。僅限塗抹少量凡士林於面部較易被劃傷的部分。

The use of grease, vaseline, rubbing lineament or products likely to be harmful or objectionable to an opponent on the arms or any other part of the body is forbidden. A reasonable amount of vaseline is permitted on the face only for the purpose of reducing the risk of cuts.

4.2.2. 運動員應須剃鬍乾淨:留鬍或髯為不允許事項。

Athletes shall be clean-shaven: Beards and moustaches are not allowed.

4.3 穿著違規 Dress infraction:


A referee shall exclude from the bout any athlete who is not wearing the head-guard, groin-guard, gum shield, shin guard, mong kon, elbow guard, breast protection if female and if obligatory body protector as well or whoever is not clean and properly dressed. In the event of the athlete’s glove or dress becoming undone during the bout, the referee shall stop the contest to have it attended to.

5.擂台器材 Ring Equipment

5.1 需求條件Requirements:


  • 兩個淺盤子
  • 四個座位-於紅藍角落提供兩隊副手各兩個座位,並不提供選手座位。
  • 提供兩個塑膠馬克杯供選手飲水及漱口,若該處水源不聯通至擂台邊,則提供兩個塑膠噴口水壺供選手飲水使用。選手及副手皆不可使用現其他形式之水瓶於擂台邊。
  • 技術人員桌椅組
  • 鑼(附鼓棒)或鐘
  • 一個(建議為兩個)計時器
  • 供紀錄分數用計分夾板,並使用IFMA繪製之計分單。若使用電子裁判系統則不需使用計分單。
  • 一個麥克風擴音系統,並另備一組備用系統。
  • 一組擔架

The following ring equipment shall be available:

  • Two shallow trays.
  • Four seats – two seats for seconds from the blue corner and two seats for seconds from the red corner. We do not use seats for athletes.
  • Two plastic mugs to be used for drinking and mouth wash only, and where water is not piped directly to the ringside, two plastic spray bottles and two small plastic bottles for drinking. No other type of water bottles are permitted at ringside for use by the athletes or seconds.
  • Table and chairs for officials.
  • Gong (with striker) or bell.
  • One (preferably two) stop watches.
  • Pads of scoring paper conforming to the pattern drawn up by IFMA. No need for such papers if an electronic judging system is used.
  • One microphone connected to the loud speaker system and another for back up.
  • One stretcher.